Technical Sessions
Click on dates below to view times and session listings.
Tuesday, September 20
- 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Optical Communication 1
Room: Portola: Redwood 1
Hydrography/ Seafloor Mapping / Geodesy
Room: Portola: Redwood 2
Imaging and Vision
Room: Portola: Ironwood 1
Acoustic Telemetry and Communication 1
Room: Portola: Ironwood 2
Vehicle Navigation 1
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 1
Marine Law and Policy
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 2
Sound Propagation and Scattering 1
Room: Portola: Bonsai 1
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 1
Room: Portola: Bonsai 2
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 10
Room: Portola: Bonsai 3
Vehicle Design 1
Room: Marriott: Los Angeles
Global Ocean Observing Systems
Room: Marriott: Ferrante Bay Room
Next Generation of Ocean Observing systems:Mobile Agile Observing Systems 1
Room: Marriott: Santa Barbara
Systems and Observatories 1
Room: Marriott: San Francisco
Sonar Imaging 1
Room: Marriott: Santa Monica
Information Management 1 (Cloud Computing)
Room: Marriott: San Diego
- 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Optical Communication 2
Room: Portola: Redwood 1
Room: Portola: Redwood 2
Imaging and Vision 2
Room: Portola: Ironwood 1
Acoustic Telemetry and Communication 2
Room: Portola: Ironwood 2
Vehicle Navigation 2
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 1
Ocean Color and Hyperspectral Measurements, Sensor Synergy
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 2
Sound Propagation and Scattering 2
Room: Portola: Bonsai 1
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 2
Room: Portola: Bonsai 2
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 11
Room: Portola: Bonsai 3
Vehicle Design 2
Room: Marriott: Los Angeles
Creating Ocean Virtual Reality Experience
Room: Marriott: Ferrante Bay Room
Next Generation of Ocean Observing systems:Mobile Agile Observing Systems 2
Room: Marriott: Santa Barbara
Systems and Observatories 2
Room: Marriott: San Francisco
Sonar Imaging 2
Room: Marriott: Santa Monica
Information Management 2
Room: Marriott: San Diego
Wednesday, September 21
- 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Advanced Sensors for Mine Countermeasures and Munitions Response
Room: Portola: Redwood 1
Marine GIS and Data Fusion
Room: Portola: Redwood 2
Imaging and Vision 3
Room: Portola: Ironwood 1
Acoustic Telemetry and Communication 3
Room: Portola: Ironwood 2
Ocean Noise
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 1
Oceanography, Marine Geology and Geophysics
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 2
Array Signal Processing and Array Design 1
Room: Portola: Bonsai 1
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 3
Room: Portola: Bonsai 2
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 12
Room: Portola: Bonsai 3
Vehicle Design 3
Room: Marriott: Los Angeles
Blue Silicon Valley Emerges from the Serengeti of the Sea
Room: Marriott: Ferrante Bay Room
Next Generation of Ocean Observing systems:Mobile Agile Observing Systems 3
Room: Marriott: Santa Barbara
Systems and Observatories 3
Room: Marriott: San Francisco
Sonar Imaging 3
Room: Marriott: Santa Monica
Data Visualization 1
Room: Marriott: San Diego
- 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: Portola: Redwood 1
Pollution Monitoring, Clean-up and Remediation
Room: Portola: Redwood 2
Imaging and Vision 4
Room: Portola: Ironwood 1
Acoustic Telemetry and Communication 4
Room: Portola: Ironwood 2
Vehicle Navigation 3
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 1
Author education workshop: Oceans paper to journal
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 2
Array Signal Processing and Array Design 2
Room: Portola: Bonsai 1
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 4
Room: Portola: Bonsai 2
Oceanographic Instrumentation and Sensors 1
Room: Portola: Bonsai 3
Automatic Control 1
Room: Marriott: Los Angeles
Ocean Innovation
Room: Marriott: Ferrante Bay Room
Next Generation of Ocean Observing systems:Mobile Agile Observing Systems 4
Room: Marriott: Santa Barbara
Sonar and Signal Processing 1
Room: Marriott: San Francisco
Sonar and Transducers 1
Room: Marriott: Santa Monica
Marine Education and Outreach
Room: Marriott: San Diego
- 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Portola: Redwood 1
Pollution Monitoring, Clean-up and Remediation 2
Room: Portola: Redwood 2
Imaging and Vision 5
Room: Portola: Ironwood 1
Acoustical Oceanography
Room: Portola: Ironwood 2
Vehicle Navigation 4
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 1
Seafloor Engineering
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 2
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 13
Room: Portola: Bonsai 1
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 5
Room: Portola: Bonsai 2
Oceanographic Instrumentation and Sensors 2
Room: Portola: Bonsai 3
Automatic Control 2
Room: Marriott: Los Angeles
Future of Oceans Panel
Room: Marriott: Ferrante Bay Room
Next Generation of Ocean Observing systems:Mobile Agile Observing Systems 5
Room: Marriott: Santa Barbara
Sonar and Signal Processing 2
Room: Marriott: San Francisco
Sonar and transducers 2
Room: Marriott: Santa Monica
Man Machine: Working Together with AUVs
Room: Marriott: San Diego
Thursday, September 22
- 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Ocean Energy, Aquaculture, etc. in the Blue Economy 1
Room: Portola: Redwood 1
Room: Portola: Redwood 2
Moorings Rigging and Anchors
Room: Portola: Ironwood 1
Signal Coherence and Fluctuation
Room: Portola: Ironwood 2
Remotely Operated Vehicles 1
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 1
Real time Quality Control of Oceanographic Data 1
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 2
Naval Use of Unmanned Systems 1
Room: Portola: Bonsai 1
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 6
Room: Portola: Bonsai 2
Oceanographic Instrumentation and Sensors 3
Room: Portola: Bonsai 3
Coastal Radars and E-M Propagation 1
Room: Marriott: Los Angeles
Crowd funding, Citizen science, and Innovation
Room: Marriott: Ferrante Bay Room
Classification and Pattern Recognition (Parametric and Nonparametric) 1
Room: Marriott: Santa Barbara
Sonar and Signal Processing 3
Room: Marriott: San Francisco
Offshore Structures 1
Room: Marriott: Santa Monica
Buoy Technology
Room: Marriott: San Diego
- 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Ocean Energy, Aquaculture, etc. in the Blue Economy 2
Room: Portola: Redwood 1
Future Needs, Opportunities, and Applications for Advanced Intelligent Robotics in Ocean Sciences
Room: Portola: Redwood 2
Ropes and Tension Members
Room: Portola: Ironwood 1
Remotely Operated Vehicles 2
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 1
Real time Quality Control of Oceanographic Data 2
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 2
Naval Use of Unmanned Systems 2
Room: Portola: Bonsai 1
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 7
Room: Portola: Bonsai 2
Oceanographic Instrumentation and Sensors 4
Room: Portola: Bonsai 3
Coastal Radars and E-M Propagation 2
Room: Marriott: Los Angeles
Xprize workshop panel
Room: Marriott: Ferrante Bay Room
Classification and Pattern Recognition (Parametric and Nonparametric) 2
Room: Marriott: Santa Barbara
Ocean Energy 1
Room: Marriott: San Francisco
Offshore Structures 2
Room: Marriott: Santa Monica
Vector Sensor Processing
Room: Marriott: San Diego
- 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Ocean Energy, Aquaculture, etc. in the Blue Economy 3
Room: Portola: Redwood 1
Remotely Operated Vehicles 3
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 1
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 8
Room: Portola: Bonsai 2
Oceanographic Instrumentation and Sensors 5
Room: Portola: Bonsai 3
Next Generation of Ocean Observing systems:Polar Region Observing Systems
Room: Marriott: Los Angeles
Classification and Pattern Recognition (Parametric and Nonparametric) 3
Room: Marriott: Santa Barbara
Ocean Energy 2
Room: Marriott: San Francisco
Numerical Modeling and Simulation 1
Room: Marriott: Santa Monica
- 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Remotely Operated Vehicles 4
Room: Portola: Cotton Wood 1
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 9
Room: Portola: Bonsai 2
Oceanographic Instrumentation and Sensors 6
Room: Portola: Bonsai 3
Classification and Pattern Recognition (Parametric and Nonparametric) 4
Room: Marriott: Santa Barbara
Ocean Energy 3
Room: Marriott: San Francisco
Numerical Modeling and Simulation 2
Room: Marriott: Santa Monica