
Welcome to Oceans 2016 in Monterey, CA


Welcome to OCEANS 16 Monterey!

Taking place at the Portola Plaza Hotel and the Monterey Marriott, with plenary sessions at the Golden State Theatre

Latest News

Plenary and Panel Talks Available

The plenary and the Futures of the Ocean Panel talk videos are available online. Please visit the Plenary and Panel Talks Page for more.

Announcing Exhibitor Matchmaking Service

A special matchmaking service will be provided by the Monterey Bay International Trade Association (MBITA) to ‘Ocean 16’ exhibitors providing pre-arranged, one-on-one meetings at the conference

Program Listing Released

The detailed and searchable program listing was just released. Please click here to see the listing

Welcome From Sam Farr

Read Representative Farr’s Welcome Letter for Oceans 2016 Monterey.

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Honorary Chair


Rep. Sam Farr

Read My
Welcome Letter

It is our pleasure to co-chair the 2016 MTS/IEEE OCEANS’16 conference and host all of you here in Monterey. With 130 exhibitors, 11 tutorials, 8 workshops and special sessions, nearly 20 student posters, and a record number 510 technical presentations, it looks to be an exceptional week of information-sharing, networking, and engaging in thought-provoking discussions.

If you arrived early, we hope that you enjoyed walking the streets of Carmel, tasting wine in Carmel Valley, hiking through redwoods, kayaking on Monterey Bay, or playing a round of golf at one of the many courses that the Monterey Peninsula is famous for. Perhaps you even participated in the OCEANS’16 golf tournament at Bayonet and Blackhorse Golf Course, which features sweeping vistas of the Monterey Bay and the Pacific Ocean. In addition to the golf tournament, over the weekend the conference organized a workshop for local K-12 teachers. Supported each year by MTS and IEEE OES, the goal of the workshop is to expose teachers to hands-on ocean-related science, technology, engineering, and math activities and curriculum that they can then share with their students.

In addition to whales, sharks, jellies, the vampire squid, and other creatures of the deep, Monterey Bay is home to more than 20 marine science and technology related organizations. Lining the Bay from Santa Cruz to Pacific Grove, these organizations are collectively known as the Monterey Bay Crescent Ocean Research Consortium, or MBCORC. Look for several MBCORC members, including the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center, in the exhibit halls, teacher workshop, and technical sessions.

This year there will be two plenary sessions, each one taking place in the historic Golden State Theatre located on Alvarado Street. The line-up includes four exceptional speakers; you can find their bios both on our web site and in this program. The societies’ awards programs will follow the plenaries; MTS will hold their annual meeting and awards ceremony on Tuesday, while the IEEE OES’ awards will be presented on Wednesday.

We encourage you to make the short walk to the Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club for Tuesday’s in-water demonstrations. Your conference program, available electronically via the OCEANS ’16 web site and app, will have the in-water schedule, which include both dockside and boat-based demonstrations. Posted signs will help to direct you there.

Your conference program and app will also serve as your guide to the exhibits and technical program. In addition to booths, in the ballrooms of Portola Hotel and the Monterey Marriott, there will be several outdoor exhibits in the Custom House Plaza. Fifteen concurrent sessions, including panel discussions on ocean observing systems, virtual reality, crowd-funding and other investments in ocean innovation, business development, and the future of oceans (both the conference and our community), will make for a full and comprehensive technical program.

The Wednesday evening Gala will take place at the spectacular, world-famous Monterey Bay Aquarium. As you enter, make your way to outside to the Great Tide Pool where Aquarium Executive Director Julie Packard will welcome us and share her passion and goal to inspire conservation of the oceans, which is the mission of the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Following Julie, we will announce the winners of the conference’s Student Poster Competition (SPC). The SPC is funded each year by a grant from the Office of Naval Research.

We hope that you have planned to stay on after the conference to continue to enjoy the Monterey Bay region. The scenic and breathtaking Big Sur coastline, giant sequoia redwoods, art galleries, wineries and tasting rooms, beautiful vistas, and endless activities are all just a short drive away from downtown Monterey.

Our goal is that you leave Monterey having broadened your knowledge, networked with peers, built your client and colleague base, and, overall, experienced an exceptional and memorable conference in a beautiful location that leaves you with a desire to return.

On behalf of our local organizing committee, thank you for attending OCEANS’16!

Jill Zande and Bill Kirkwood
OCEANS ‘16 Co-Chairs


Jill Zande


Bill Kirkwood


About the event

Every autumn, the Marine Technology Society and the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society sponsor OCEANS, a prestigious conference/exhibition that draws an international audience of more than 2,000 attendees:

  • Taking place at the Portola Plaza Hotel and the Monterey Marriott
  • Over 500 professionally reviewed technical papers, including sessions focused on local themes
  • Plenary sessions with leaders from industry, academia, the military and government that will be held at the historic Golden State Theater
  • 130+ exhibitors showcasing the latest innovations in products and services at both the Portola Plaza Hotel and Marriott venues
  • A student poster session featuring outstanding projects from around the world and other student activities
  • Tutorials, workshops, demonstrations, government listening sessions, social/networking opportunities, professional field trips …and much, much more

A Day Around the Bay

Monterey County is loaded with unique activities and moments that you can only experience in our backyard. We’ve made it easy for you and crafted a list of opportunities to make the most of your trip. So get out and challenge yourself to grab life by the moments and make the most of your Monterey getaway!